The name Milano comes from ‘Mediolanum’, probably referring to the ancient Celtic name Midland, or, according to other opinions, to a bas-relief featuring a sow half covered by wool (lana) that means “halfwoollen” (mezzalana) and then Mediolanum.
Although Milan is often thought as the capital of fashion and therefore for its activity and business supremacy, the endless cultural attractions and historical witnesses of Milan are often forgotten. In the historical centre, but not only there, in any place, you will find out a monument, a square, a church to stare at.
In the past few centuries Milan, which still identifies itself in the genius of Leonardo even through the amazing fresco of the “Ultima cena” at S. Maria delle Grazie, has seen several museum centres springing up: the peculiarity of the museum organization of Milan is today underlined by the variety and capillarity of the public and private collections, belonging to the State, the town, the Church or foundations.
Milan is the seat of prestigious civilizations of the courts first of Visconti family and then of Sforza family who developed the arts, literature and sciences and received the influences of the European culture. It is today credited as one of the most lively for the spreading of ideas and a qualified collecting of paintings, sculptures, graphics and art and natural objects.
Milan gathers witnesses of an important centre for Christianity, in fact in 313 the emperor Costantino promulgated the edict which allowed freedom of worship for Christians. Today in Milan people can still admire wonderful churches, true art sites, built in different architectural styles, among the most important: Romanesque, Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque.
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